Language Identifier
Identifies eight languages including english. Condensed form factor, siutable to work as a browser addon on mobile app library. Works off-line does not require internet access or cloud computing.
Identifies eight languages including english. Condensed form factor, siutable to work as a browser addon on mobile app library. Works off-line does not require internet access or cloud computing.
Evaluates writer's language profficiency in english language, allowing to estimate person's proficiency score.
Usefull to detect non-natives using AI tools to render content / write.
Algorithm compressing prompts up to 20 times. Particularly useful to render summaries from transcriptions and long content such as articles.
Technique tested here.
Tile specialising in extracting keywords for english language.
Particurarly helpful in tagging and categorising content, before sending to the cloud.
This keyword retrieval is language agnostic but comes with caviats.
We strongly recommend following instructions how to tune it for any language.
This tile reads the content and instead summarising, returns most relevant snippets.
Works like a student highlighting chapters' fragments without changing the data or meaning!
This tile changes Data Science by removing complex mathematics from the view.
It converts numbers and time series into expressions allowing for an unprecedented and fast pattern recognition.
With ten most popular topics among advertisers, this tile helps to asses content before using costly LLMs.
It speeds up the process of categorising content on-device.
Tile providing options as smart replies for the message.
It recognises the intention and serves three options similar to smart replies on LinkedIn.
Tile detects 20 itents from a conversation such as booking, products return, job seeking etc.
This tile is helps to trigger specific actions without sharing informations with a cloud.